im going to put disc brakes on my maverick. i have a donor car for the spindles etc. my question is ..the donor is power disc. my maverick is a standard non power drum set up if i swapp the discs will i need the power booster? i prefer to leave non power because of clearance isssues and such. and ill have to buy a new booster lol im cheap and dont wanna spend money if i dont have to. i have a 74 ford f-100 with non power discs from factory and they work fine. what im asking will it work with non power mastercyclinder and porportioning valve? thanks for any help anyone can give.
power brakes It should work with the proportioning valve. with out that brakes would be even all the way around......and that would be interesting. Should work without power booster.
thank you for the response, it was what i was thinking but then again when i think im scary. again thanks
When I converted to front manual disk brakes, I had a hard time trying to stop my 302 powered Maverick and it was kinda scary holding on. When I converted to a power booster...NIGHT and DAY, I have no problems going to speed I want and not have to worry about it's safer. I was recommended to me to go in this direction by fellow Mavoholics so I bit the bullet and pulled the trigger on it. So far, best upgrade! The booster and MC was about $125, adjustable proportional valve from summit racing $100, ebay shock bracket $25, and booster adapter $40. I also bought the brake pedal assembly for the inside the vehicle from Craig S...don't recall what I paid for it. It took a while to get everything but well worth the investment!
What most people don't know is that power and manual brakes systems use differnt MCs due to piston size and the brake pedal itself is a different one. This makes for a different amount of force from your foot put on the MC. Manual brakes use a higher ratio brake pedal. Also when going to disc you need that bigger MC piston to move the disc piston.
Wouldnt using a manual brake and master cylinder on a power brakes system give you even more leverage for stopping than a normal power brake system?
i think even the pedal systems are different to allow for more leverage when u use your brakes. the rod on the power and manual masters are completely different also if i remember.