Does anyone know if these are still available over the counter for our cars? mine is a 69 1/2. I'm not having ant luck.
Update OK, aparently I haven't had brake lights since I've owned the car, I felt up under the dash and it's not plugged in and I cant find the plug....although it is dusk right now. Where does the plug come from ? the steering column? or just from a bundle under the dash?
No, not the switch location....the wiring harness for the switch, does it come from a bundle around the speedo wiring harness or somewhere else.
im having a problem with mine also changed break light switch BUT for some reason the left break light doesnt work now but i have left turn signal, traced wiring and there is a plug where the green wire with the red stripe in it go s up to the steering colume, there is a FLAT plug that leads up their, i think there is a short somewhere --DRIVING ME CRAZY LOL
follow the 2 break wires, one with a red strip on it, one all green- the plug to the break light has them on it, i believe they go to a flat plug near the steering colume maybe to activate the emergency flashers, my flashers work but now i only get right break light ni left - must be a short i think i have
Still interesting. I was just talking to my friend about 10 minutes ago about mine and I was asking him if o'rielly would still have one and he thought so. I will see about getting one tommorow.