So here is a pic of a 1973 fuse panel with the wires going to it. I'm wondering, if I go and purchase an aftermarket fuse panel, then how do I splice these wires into the new one? There are 2 main wires one of which is I'm assuming constant power and the other keyd on power. One of those wires is the big yellow one and the other is black/green or brown/green, can't tell but it's a thick wire.
Don't do anything until you get a wiring diagram. The job is not difficult, but you will need to know what wires go where. For the most part, the existing wires are long enough to put the new fuse panel to the right of the column on the package tray, a couple will need to be extended and/or spliced. I've done this on my car, but it's so customized most won't apply to a stocker. I'll see if I can "unmod" my diagram to suit a stock vehicle... Russ
that's a really great diagram you have. I've been working on making my own for my 71 AC car. thanks for the info
Doesn't Painless sell a complete box that will swap into our cars? I know they sell the entire wiring harness, I would think you could also just buy the box.
Looked up the Painless site. I don't see a direct replacement, but they do have 12 fuse blocks and a "street legal racing" block. You could just use the ones you need and leave the rest empty, or even better, use them for separate circuits. I could see wiring up my stereo and amp through its own circuit.
I like the painless, seems neat and labeled. But the price is hefy. Russ did a real nice job with his by using smaller fuse panels which I think he mentioned before were fairly inexpensive. But the one from ebay isn't too bad of a price.
For those that like to DIY, I got 2 sets of 4-fuse blocks that interlock and come with the wiring connectors, plus 4 sets of relay blocks and relays that are snapped in between the fuse blocks for $28.00 from Del City. The flashers just happen to fit in the relay blocks too, tight though... Russ
I am in the process of putting the RonFrancis Kit in my 73. I am taking my time on it and trying to make must of the wires disappear. I will post pics as I go.
i used a painless kit just as an accessory block(similar to the one listed above on e-bay) very easy to wire up. all the wires are printed. i put it in my glove box. i have used the painless products before and have had no problems
By the picture, it looks like your emergency brake cable is rubbing on some of the lower wires and then it might just be the way the picture was taken. Is your battery in the trunk or under the hood?