Good day Im considering swapping from a 250 l6 to a 300 l6. Currently my mav is a three speed manual. I have read that the bell housings are the same but are the flywheels the same? can I use my current flywheel, starter...I would like to avoid running a truck transmission they just seem to massive for the transmission tunnel. In a perfect world I could just bolt it up to my old tranny? Fab the mounts, modify z-bar and presto! Has anyone done this or a similar swap? Is the extra 50 cubes worth all the effort. Any help would be great M
Take some measurements, from what I've heard from others who considered this swap the 300 is physically huge compared to a 250.
if your thinking of work levels, putting in a 302 would be a way easier swap. or build up the 250 if you want to stick with a six. putting the 300 in would be harder than a 351 swap IMO, but if you want to do it badly it can be done.....
the motor is to long to fit in with the radiator in the stock location it will have to be moved to the other side of the core support . it has been done but agree with others that it would be better to put v/8 in . the 300 was intended to pull at low RPM and really don't even get very good MPG . but if you want to do the project the trans will bolt to the truck bell you will need to use the bell,, flywheel from the truck ,,,,
Indeed i must admit that the more i read into it seems to be alot of work for little gain....It sure would be different though.....I think thats why it is so tempting.
Put your hand up to the monitor, thumb on left side of square and pointer on the other end of square, use the other hand and put pointer at top and thumb at bottom. pull your hands away from monitor. Now take a long hard look at it...thats the only difference between having 2 more cylinders
There's a huge difference between the performance of a 300 six and a 302. The 300 has a 4" bore and 4" stroke. The 302's is 4" bore & 3" stroke. The 300 will make its power lower in the powerband and produce more torque vs a 302. But all that said, neither made good truck engines with the option of the 351's 400 and 460's available.
I agree that you wouldnt want to rev a six to much. I cant imagine the extreemly long crankshaft or camshaft would hold up to the harmonics and vibrations of high rpm use. Big low rpm torgue can accelerate a car well also. for example the 455 olds, pontiac and buicks of the early 70's they were low on hp but monsters of torque! and they never had to wind past 5000 rpm. I had figured a performance 300 build to be on small scale of these *low compression *head porting for low lift velocity * cam about 212 dur @ .50 * good small 4 brl Should have gobs of torque, a low shift point, and last forever and if you want it to pull harder at the track just spray some nitrous in it when your at the track. Just need to figure out how to make it fit in the mav and look like it belongs
Most 7 main six cylinders can rev easily to 6000. Much over that will cause harmonic forces that can be destructive.