Does anyone have any frame connector pictures? mean_maverick and I have discussed but thought I would see if anyone out there has some photos of either purchased or fabricated ones.
I would like to know also. I have enough 2x4 tubing to make my own. but would like to see photo's of were to connect them.
so what would i need to get tubing wise or box???? or are there some for another muscle car that you can use to be cut into place
there is no one right way to do it. you just need to tie the front sub frame to the rear sub frame. its not a streight shot. mine tie into the front sub frame at multiple points. on the rear there is a plate that was welded on then the tube was mated to. the strongest method is to cut a channal in the floor from one sub frame to the other and use a box tube to fit into the channal and weld it all the way along the floor.
atomonkey, thanks for the picture link cool project. Do your connectors come through the floor pan to the inside of the car? Any finished photos?
Thanks! You can see in this pic that they are coming up through the floor. I need to add some pics now that the floors are welded in. That was to just get the floor down to factory-ish height. More head room for me. I don't think it adds that much strength to weld it to the floor, especially if you tie them into the rocker panel with an outrigger like I've done. It also adds ground clearance to run them up through the floor opposed to bending them to run beneath the floor. Not a significant amount though. I did fully weld my floors into the rocker and the subframe connectors, just because I didn't want to use any seam sealer on the floor. It's a pet peeve of mine is all.