Hi Guys, Took the Comet out for a spin today. Got about 5 miles down the road and the engine cut-off. Was just doing normal driving when it happened. Pulled over and tried to restart. The engine turned over fine but it was hard to start. Had to pump the pedal a lot. It ran for about 30 seconds then cut-off again. Popped the hood, everthing looked fine. After about 5 minutes I tried to start it again. It took some pedal pumping but it did start and contiuned to run. Drove home fine the whole way. No sputters or any indication of engine issues. Had the car for over 2 years now. This is the first time anyting like this happened. It has a new Holley 4b (1 year on the car) and the engine and all the fixins are only 3 years old. Car has been running great all this time.The only thing we did different was an extreme burnout last weekend. I think its either a fuel or electrical issue. Can you give me a checklist of things to go thru to trouble shoot. I have a few ideas but I don't want to miss anyting that could be an easy solution. Thanks!!
what tpye of ignition system do you have? that really sounds like an overheating ignition moduel. thats hard to test. the only way that i can think of to test it is to get it to die again then check to see if it it has spark right away.
My car did that too. believe it or not it ended up being the ignition switch down on the column was shorting out. so it was like i was turning the key off intermittently. I also replaced the starter solenoid first which got me no where. good luck!
what type of distrubtor do you have? points, duraspark, aftermarket eletronic. do you have an ignition box of some type? msd, mallory, duraspark, etc.
my car is doing the same thing and i have switched over to ignitor II system and i have to get a new fuel sending unit since my fuel gauge doesnt work but im hoping this will fix it
I have a point-less distributor. All new wires and plugs. No ignition box. Think it would be good to change the cap and rotor?
no cap and rotor should have nothing to do with it cuting out. what type of eletronic distrubtor are you running. thats my number one suspect that would cause your problem.
I had the same exact problem! clogged fuel filter Take off the aircleaner and look down the carb, move the throttle a few times and see if fuel is squirting.
I put a new ignition coil on AND replaced the fuel filter. Took it out and it did it again. Could it be the fuel pump has low pressure?
best to just replace it. i think mine was around $20 for brand new one at auto parts. but it solved my problem. may not be your case but i would try it.