Man, that is sort of a funny story, but at the same time, it is depressing that he went through all of that.
I had to get into my storage unit I was renting. Was sitting at the security gate in neutral and for some reason my code was not working in the keypad. 3 or 4 tries ... nothing. So ... I get out of the car and make my way toward the office. After about 5 paces, in my periphrial vision, I can now see the car slowly rolling back toward the street, and it was on an increasing slope and gaining speed. The car was really starting to get away from me, too. It took everything I had to dive face-first in the open drivers window, yank the parking brake and throw it into park,... all this with my legs still hanging outside the car. Stopped it a couple of feet from the street. Coulda been a very bad day ... Makes me wish it had been on film. Probably would be hysterically funny to watch.
This happened with that same old volkswagon I was talking about earlier when the starter was bad I would back it in most places when I parked at work & drive way,2nd gear couple kicks with foot and off I go. stalled it in country side and had to use both scared me feet hanging.Finally fixed starter when wife decided to learn stick shift driving,what a awful terrible day,I was so tired of pushing I cut a hole in the back seat to remove starter as soon as we got home
Way back in 1984 I was gonna sneak up on my friend so just short of his house I turned off the ignition on my 75 Grabber to coast in his yard, well I forgot the steering locks when you turn the key off (yes I was prolly buzzed) :evilsmile and I hit the stop sign at the corner of his drive and just barely bumped the tree behind it. Looking back at stupid things I did in my younger days.......I have to wonder how I survived till now!
Stupid Things Mavricks and Comet 2 doors should not have been built with a reverse gear in the tranny because it is impossible to really see when backing up. It is called felling backup. The 1940s GM cars with the Fleetline design had the same problem. Texasjack
I was putting a speaker in the back of my Saab 96. I was sitting on the back of the passenger seat working on the package tray. I put the head rest through the windshield. I was pretty bummed. INs. paid for another one. I had one in a parts car so scored big. I was still bummed though
Mental note...always wear a seat belt in a the windshield will not stop your ascent out the front of the car.