The only way to start my car is to jump it off. and when you do that it wount turn off it keeps going tell you take the negative cable off the post.. we had the starter(wich is a heave peace of crap) and the alt. all checked out and there good. The modules where all the wires go to is brand new and we dont know why it wont turn every thing else comes on( The lights,fan,Radio, etc..) I dont know what to do? Thanks.. Marc
Sounds like you have the 2 small wires on the solenoid switched. The small post closest to the battery cable is your 12 volt start. When the key is in the start position, 12 volts is applied to this post and that energizes the solenoid which then outputs 12 volts to the other large post for the starter and also 12 volts to the other small post which supplies 12 volts to the coil in the start position. If you reverse them, you will have to jump the solenoid to get it to start and once the engine is running, 12 volts from the + side of the coil will back feed to the solenoid and basically hold the solenoid in the start position.
Its not i mix up in wires. I found i burnt out wire that goes to the elec fan and that was the only mix up i found shorting trew all the wires. So what should i check next?
Sounds weird to me, but, as old as I am, I have had something like that happen to me. Was on a chevy many years ago. It was the ignition switch. Have you cleaned every terminal associated with the starting system? I know it sounds like a lot of work for nothing, but age and tarnish take a toll on wiring. You would be surprised what can happen when all is clean and tight as new. Keep us posted. Dan
crap after all day working on it i still cant get it to start right! everything is clean and seams to be in good cond. i think i should get a wiring harness for it.
Have you tried replacing the solenoid. They are not really that expensive from autozone or advanced auto parts. Maybe it has internally shorted.??
OK, do this. First of all which solenoid do you have? The round one or the one in the picture? The pictured one is the most common so I'll go with that. From left to right,the big post on the left goes to the battery. The next small post is labled "S". That is your start line. The next small post is labeled "I" and is a 12 volt output to the coil when the solenoid is energized. The last big post on the right goes to the starter. Disconnect the starter cable from the solenoid. Take a test light or volt meter. Remove the small wire closest to the battery labeled "s". Ground your test light to the negitive battery post and touch the positive post with the other lead to make sure your light lights or meter reads correctly. Now turn the key to the run position. Touch the positive meter lead to the small wire you removed from the "s" terminal. There should be no voltage there. Now have someone turn the key to the start position and hold it while you check the wire. You should now have 12v on that wire. Then have them release the key back to the run position. The 12 volts should turn off. If everything is good to this point, reconnect the "S" wire to the solenoid. With the key in the run position, there should not be 12 volts on the starter post. Turn the key to the start position again and 12 volts should now be on the starter post. When the key is released, it should shut off. Do this and let me know what results you get.