If the flange is the same and it bolts on, and you can work out the linkage, sure. "Chevy carb" could mean a few things though. I assume you're talking about a Quadrajet? I don't see why it wouldn't work just fine. Go ahead and put an HEI distributor on there too, that'll get people cussin'...
idk what a HEI distributor is hahaha (my next google search!). Idk if it's a quadrajet or not. called every salvage yard within 50 miles of me and none of them have seen a carb in 20 years.... so I asked my advanced auto guy if he knew of anyone with a 2bbl and he said he's got about 10 carbs sitting at home for chevies... I figured from the way he said it that they never work on fords, but I thought I'd check. I might have to research this some more and check back with him. Thnks!
The 70 429 CJ came stock with a Quadrajet. So I guess you can't really call it a Chevy carb. (Strictly speaking I believe it was made by Carter.)
after playing with the RBS i kinda wanna get away from carter... ideal is the autolite 2100, but at $450 bucks a pop I can stay with carter for now lol
been doing the ebay thing. i'm old skewl and still ebay scared, but doing it anyway. I'm gonna start calling the local shops. wanted used tho so it's cheaper. can't believe salvage yards haven't seen a carb in 20 years.. seems like bs to me.
I can't follow very well,,, need many screen names, hee hee Are you putting 2 barrel on the six cylinder or you dropping 302 ?
If your area is big on demolition derby's then you wont find any 2bbl or 4bbl carb because the junk yards keep them for future cars...we have the same problem here...the junkyards stash all the good parts to use on demo cars.
I'm putting it on the 250 I6. I wanna switch out my gears to somewhere around a 3.5-3.8 thereabouts in the future and I read on the forum that this can help alleviate the loss of top speed. Been having so many headaches with my RBS I figured I'd just switch to the 2bbl now if I can find it rather than throwing all this time into my 1bbl. V8 will probably be the absolute last thing I do the car and that will be years down the road if I do the swap at all.
how about something better then a holley 2bbl, A weber 2V it is a progressive carb meaning it acts in the same manners as a 4V carb http://www.webercarbsdirect.com/32_36_DFEV_p/22680.210.htm
Call me an idiot but what is the RBS you speak of? If you are looking for an autolite 2 barrel, I have one.....I think....haven't looked under the aircleaner yet!
I once used a holly 4barrel spreadbore quadrajet replacement carb on my 71 grabber. When those big secondaries kicked in and the motor actually started burning the fuel the thing was a rocket. It came off some chevy big truck. I know you don't like ebay but there is some reputable guys out there. This guy rebuilds and resells carbs. http://stores.ebay.com/Stahle-Performance-Inc He had an old OEM type Holley replacement type 2 bbl carb that I really wanted and I bought it. It actually looked way better than the pictures when I got it. He has good descriptions too with what jet sizes and parts were used. I had planned on re-jetting it and going inside the carb to look around but it looked like new so I left it alone and it ran good right out of the box. I adjusted the float but it was really set ok to start with. The only thing I had to add was the little ball for the throttle linkage. Thanks! Tony