....squeaking front suspension that is. Anything I can do to lessen that awful sqeaking until I scratch up the parts for a front end rebuild? It's driving me crazy! Brad
Have your shock towers been modified to allow access to the impossible-to-reach grease fitting on the shock towers? If not, you might wanna search the board for instrucitons on what size and where to drill a hole (using a hole-saw) and grease those two fittings (on each wheel). You might be able to get away with removing the existing zert and replacing it with a 90 degree zerk. Otherwise, O'Reilly auto parts will have most of the bushings you need for replacement. I'd get under there, work the bushings by hand to see which ones definetly need replacing for now, until you get a rebuild. Gluck Rick
Autokrafters makes a grease fitting kit(610-041) with tool to install on those upper control arm bushings but I found that I could not install all four fittings anyway even though they claim you should be able to. So I installed what I could and then installed the rest when I did the rebuild and now I can grease them anytime I want and did not cut up my shock towers.
I got the low profile 90 degree zerks too, and they didn't really fit. I was able to heat up the shock towers and massage the metal so that they would. Better than cutting holes, IMO. I have some spare 90 degree zerks that I got with an upper control arm kit that I don't need. If you want em, you can have em. They aren't the super low profile ones, but they may fit. Lemme know at bobw (at thingy) cartechbooks.com
Thanks..... .....but I think I'm gonna just tough it out 'til the rebuild. I took a good look at it last night. There's VERY little clearance and no zerk fittings at all, just some little plugs in the ends of my bushings. Brad
Brad; the 90degree kit from the mustang houses works well. I put it in my car in about an hour, counting greasing and testing the car. The tool they give you does work, and you have to put the zerk in the tool, and then get it started. Once you do, a small 1/4" or 5/16" wrench will do the trick. Hope this helps.
the squeaky bushing gets the..... Earl, Thanks. Exactley where did you get yours? I may check that out. Brad
Brad; got mine at Melvin's, in Conyers. They close on Sunday and Monday. I think the kit was about $15. Well worth it.
No more squeaks! I went ahead and got the 90 degree fittings and after much prying and some amount of swearing I got all 4 in! Amazing what a lil grease can do! Got mine at Mustangs Unlimited in Lawrenceville for $18.95.
Thanks for posting the result and supplier, Brad. A lot of people forget to post the finale and leave the delimas unanswered (for someone else who later searches on here with a simliar problem). 'Glad you got her quietened down.