Do I have to wait until the bottle is filled the first time to apply it, or can I apply it now before I lose it?
Damn. Pictures are always expected. Here is the best I can do... There is a slip of paper and a sticker that came with my Nitrous bottle, both are scanned in the first picture, but since the sticker is metallic, you cannot read all the text on the scan (it just came out all dark). Apparently, it needs to be placed on the blank spot on the bottle, but I don't know if i need to wait until the bottle is filled, or can I put it on now before hand, now that the bottle is done being shipped.
It says it needs to be place in at initial filling, Im assuming so the guy filling it knows its never been filled before...perhaps theres some kind of inspection and such they have to do to it?
I think it is more for firefighters coming to put out a fire in your car, material information (Same as a MSDS sheet). Tells someone how to handle/put fire out and how to ship, care and dispose of in case of a problem.
Yes. And since it was empty and not been filled, it was ok to ship around till now when YOU getit filled. I'd leave it off till the guy fills it, incase you need to send it to me .
maybe it's just for shipping/transport purpose, once filled you put that sticker on it becomes a health hazard warning kind of thing? I think it will make no difference if you put the sticker on now.. hey what do I know? huumm Gene beat my post for a difference of seconds
I guess I can tape it to the bottle for now. My only concern is with all the BS little projects I have going on around here, I may lose the sticker before I get the bottle filled.
I agree, I wouldnt attach it until after you get it filled. Taping it to the bottle is a good idea, just so it in a spot other than where it says to attach it.
The top drawer of my tool box is designated for important papers and stuff. I have several stickers in there. Back when I was working at Pep Boys I kept a mouth piece from one of them blow machines in there. I seen it rolling around in there a few months back when I put my MCG card in there.
back when i last bought a nos system the bottles came filled and the sticker on the bottle was one pice. man time flys and things change. you should be able to put that sticker on now. im sure it was just for shiping reasons. most places that refill bottles dont even look at the bottle to see if its expired on its sonic check. i think thats what it was called. susposedly the bottles needs to checked every few years and eventualy will be unsafe to fill.
The sticker is a DOT requirment for transportation of compressed gas cylinders. And as Bryant said it needs to be checked every few years. There should be a date stamped on the top of the cylinder indicating when it was made, then every 5 years it needs to be hydro tested. And never ever heat your bottle with a torch,use a bottle warmer. Remember the movie Jaws.
hydro tested, thats what i was trying to rember. now ive never had any shop that fills nitrous bottles ever check so its a gamble when your bottle gets out of date if they will check and deni filling it.