and i got a ticket for no seat belt...but i was wearing my lap belt but not the shoulder harness...i'm 6'3" 300+ lbs it's extremely restricting and actually hinders my driving(checking mirrors, tight turns, and merging...etc ). is there any way to fight this? not complaining...just can't afford the ticket right now. any help is greatly appreciated.
in Ky, you dont have to have a shoulder belt on if the vehicle wasn't equipped with one before 1981... so i simply tell them my "didnt have that option" (after i removed it) lol
Yeah tell them your car didnt have that option, If your car was not equipped with it, its not required. Like the 30 model A we were driving at work. It has no seat belts no turn signals 1 tail light but its no problem.
I'd contest it if I had the lap belt on. The shoulder part in my opinion is optional since it's not connected. That's my opinion tho.
All i know is that your a law breaker, a rebel and i'm proud to know you. J/K. Fight it in court, THE COP MOST LIKELY WON'T SHOW UP.
Yeah I got the same belt setup in mine. I keep thinking I need to put a later model setup in mine just to make it easier for my sake.
To avoid future tickets they sell seat belt extentions at many auto parts stores. They come in different sizes. I had that problem when I was pregnant just a quick google netted this
I took my shoulder belt out of my car. I am 6'1" and got tired of getting cracked in the head by the buckle when getting in and out because of weak elastic on it. I did get stopped for speeding once and the cop was going to write me up for not wearing a seat belt ... but I was .... just unbuckled the lap belt to get my wallet out before he got to the car. I explained that to him and told him "these cars didn't come with the shoulder belt". He dropped belt concerns and continued writing me up for speeding.
...D I E T... check the law for...seatbelts for your year car...if you were breaking that it...end of story...:Handshake OH...and what did they stop you for to start with??? ...