Does anyone know where this guy and his Comet went? The last time we saw him was at the 3rd NMCC meet and greet in Milton Ontario in May 2008. He seemed to be a nice guy and then we never saw him again. Anyone know?
With your interest in local cars you should start an Ontario registry or something. You'd do a good job of it.
I think Ron has his number, he's the guy that almost forgot to pay for his lunch that day, as he thought his wife was picking up the tab. haha...
I'm still around. When is the next meet? We didn't hear about a 2009 meet. Ron has my # if you want to get a hold of me. My name is Lee, by the way .
Well Lee glad your still around buddy. I'll let you know where the 2010 Meet and Greet will be when we decide where. KEEP IN TOUCH! By the way if you want a custom NRMCC signature for your posts let me know and i'll send you one.