I ran across some old photos------man was it the 70's! How many of you can dig out some old photos of you and your Maverick from the 70's? The first one is me and my 73LDO about two weeks after I got it, going to the year end basketball banquet. Cool white belt and bowtie!! Also notice that nice Cutlass at the neighbors house behind me. Second photo is about 3 years later after I added the Keystones and "Scat-Trac" 60's and 70's that were sold by JC Penney. By that time I'd gotten rid of the Thrush sidepipes because my girlfriend kept burning her legs on them. Even though the 73 LDO I've now got is a different color and engine that interior is the same-------it's like sitting in a time capsule.
Sorry for the bad quality but this is my dads 73's he got it in the late 70's. Then in 1990 my uncle took it and sideswiped a car and it ended up in the junkyard. Two years later he bought the 75 that i own now
I love this thread, keep 'em coming. I was too young to own a car in the 70's so all i have is a picture of my mom's smashed up Comet from about 1978 ish. But you know even if the picture of the Comet is smashed up, that old Comet was the one that made me fall in love with these cars, oh yeah!!!!!!!
Oldest pics I have are of my dad's old Comet from 1984. There were a few Mavericks in my family in the 70's, but they're like the only vehicles anyone in my family has owned in the last 60 years that no known pictures exist of.
I think if your in the pic from the 70's , lets show a new pic from now and compare, I know I have some new gray hair that keeps growing in. Time to dye the hair and drop 10 pounds, That what my wife says.
The pic farthest to the right is my Mav in our front yard 1973,no pic of me (No need,I still look the same!LOL!)
That's cool actionRPM-----you've had that same car all these years? I kept mine for 3 then traded it even for a 63 T-bird. (A girlfriend talked me into it)----- I'd love to have either one of them back-----THE CARS, NOT THE GIRLFRIEND!