I think that we are selling ourselves short on Comets & Mavericks!

Discussion in 'General Maverick/Comet' started by IdriveTRKs, Feb 5, 2010.

  1. todsrods

    todsrods Member

    Mar 28, 2009
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    claremore ok
    71 maverick grabber
    I think these cars will go up in value. Think of the cars you wouldn't believe that would increase in value, like the 74-78 mustang II & what about station wagons of any kind. It all depends on the person and what they want. As for the maverick it has been slow to climb in value but there was a time you could get a grabber hood for 25.00-50.00 bucks & now look. I got my car not that it was cheap it was that I love the car. It has awesome lines and makes one nice muscle car. And if I got the story right FORD was worried that it was going to over take the mustang in sales that's why they didn't have the better horse power to match the mustang. But yet they still out sold the mustang & their were cheap versions of the mustang too. Just my opinion
  2. Mad Goon

    Mad Goon Scaring the Hondas

    Jan 3, 2007
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    71 Comet 4dr(SOLD), 2016 Mustang GT Premium
    I got my Comet because it looked like a Mustang to me... I thank myself EVERY day for not selling it and buying another "me too" car, Obsidian will clarify that. What hasn't been done to Mustangs?

    You've all seen pictures of my Comet, to some, it looks like ****, some beater that barely runs... Yet it starts up faster than my girlfriend's '07 Yaris and doesn't miss a beat on 350 mile round trips. When I go to car shows and get thumbs up or drive around and people yell from the sidewalk about how cool they think my car is, the feeling is incredible.

    I have my Comet because I like it for what it is.. A near 200,000 mile, v8, rear wheel drive affordable car (build one like it again Detroit, I dare you.) Will it ever be worth $30,000? Probably not, but I don't care. The car is different, it's cool, loud as all hell, fast enough to whet my appeitite, and it looks exactly the way I want it to (some say rust is ugly, I don't sand it off because it adds character.

    I wouldn't have my car any other way.
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2010
  3. Scraperondubz

    Scraperondubz Member

    Oct 14, 2007
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    IM building for the thrill of having a Mustang Killer... matter of a face im piching up a 1972 with a 3 in the floor for 700 bucks delivered and running? ima make it the daily driver
  4. Crusader

    Crusader Member

    Jan 20, 2010
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    I bought mine for $1500 and the worst things wrong with it were a leaky trunk, leak in the windshield, exhaust manifold gasket was leaking in a few cylinders (he threw in a replacement gasket) and a minor rust through spot in a rear quarter panel. Great deal in my opinion compared to what some Mav's were going for around here. Most were over the 2K mark for a non running one. Mine also has pretty good paint and no dents
  5. comrick317

    comrick317 Banned

    Apr 15, 2008
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    1976 Mercury Comet
    I could not say it any better, good one!!!!(y)
  6. comrick317

    comrick317 Banned

    Apr 15, 2008
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    1976 Mercury Comet
    I still find some of this a little funny, WHO CARES IF THEY HAVE ANY BIG MONEY VALUE, do you like them?

    There was a time that people did really love them enough to use them for this:
    trading_card_drag_maverick_original.jpg trading_card_smoke_show_maverick_original.jpg trading_cards_wheely_maverick_original.jpg

    These are old pictures, these guys could have used a Mustang, a Chevelle, a Charger etc, etc, etc.
    They did have money to afford to race cars and they chose a Maverick to do it in , why because they were different and cool looking with great fastback lines.
    I could care less what they are worth, they are worth all the cool memories i have with my Comet and that my friends is truly.....................PRICELESS!!!!!!:thumbs2:
  7. mojo

    mojo "Everett"- Senior Citizen Supporting Member

    Jul 20, 2009
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    73 Comet GT-302 4bl
    Well said, my friend. I agree. >>>>PRICELESS!!!!
  8. JesTer

    JesTer Boo, the JesTer

    Oct 23, 2009
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    Olathe, Kansas
    1976 Maverick
    I bought my car for 4400. Complete stock, 54,000 miles, brand new repaint job, and run just like any other car, Brand new radio.

    It sat in barns its whole life and i felt it was a steal... And nobody told me its a piece of junk, i know a guy who would pay twice what i paid for it.

    The thing i love most about this car.... is that it will never be i the class of the mustang, the camaro, the corvette, it will always be under the radar, and that is why others will never see us come up to steal the show :yahoo:
  9. PaulS

    PaulS Member extrordiare

    May 3, 2004
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    1966 Mustang, 1972, 73, 73 and 73 Mavericks
    I have a friend who is selling a Maverick that he fixed up for his daughter. It is a nice clean V8 Maverick with one of my "Yellow" transmissions in it. His daughter is going off to school and bought a 40 mpg car so now he is going to sell the 20mpg Maverick. The engine and transmission have about a year on them and he is asking $4000. When I get the details and pictures I will be posting an add in the want ads section. I told him I doubted that he would get $4000 for it but he has a lot more in making it a reliable daily driver.
    These cars - and any car is only worth what someone is will to spend on them. There is no real prestige associated with these cars and only our desire to make them into a car that we want to drive is what makes them worth owning. I am reminded of the Shelby AC Cobra that was for sale at auction. The car won at Le Mans and a host of other races but could not meet the reserve of 10 million even though the car that came in third to it sold for 15 million..... The prestige of owning the Cobra was less than owning the Italian car that lost to it and its brother.
  10. e.c.tireman

    e.c.tireman New Member

    Feb 6, 2009
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    72' Maverick
    :thumbs2: I bought my 72' maverick back in 88' for $200 on payments ( believe it or not ) and is my first car ever. I painted it twice, modified this, modified that too many times. This car you can say it's worth $2 just by looking at it right now. To me, though, it's worth a fortune, because I had it so long and I grew up driving all the time with family and friends. The sentimental value is priceless and if I ever wanted to sell it, I would get my butt kicked by my younger brothers and sisters for doing so. This car has something that attracts people, they know is not a mustang or camaro, but , still looks cool. Jacked in the back, 295-50-15 rear tires, dual exhaust, decent paint job. People like different and that what we are doing, putting this classic car back on the road, we are turning heads with our rust buckets because they are different and cool and they can be as shiny as any other car. I don't know if these cars would ever go up on price or not, but I can assure you, I'M NOT SELLING MY MAV EVER !! ( I got to learn how to upload pictures one of these days ):racingflag:
  11. comrick317

    comrick317 Banned

    Apr 15, 2008
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    Mississauga, Ontario
    1976 Mercury Comet
    Well said ..............and 5 more posts and you can upload pictures which i expect you will do as.............:ttiwwp:or something like that.:tiphat:
  12. facelessnumber

    facelessnumber Drew Pittman

    Oct 4, 2007
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    Memphis, TN
    '71 Grabber
    I didn't get mine as an investment, so I don't really care. I think the value of a Maverick will go up in proportion to inflation, but remain the same relative to the purebred muscle cars.

    Doesn't matter though. I have a Maverick for the same reason I've had most of my past daily drivers. I enjoy driving. Between working five days a week to support my family, and spending my weekends and nights either doing side jobs or taking care of household business, the time I spend behind the wheel of my car, or even under it, is pretty much sacred and vital to my sanity.

    For example: Today I was about to leave the house to pick up something for dinner, and to go by Lowe's for some epoxy to patch up my water heater, hoping it will hold until I get paid on the 15th and can buy a new one. Not feeling too great. It's wet and sleeting outside, snow on the ground, wife says, "Why don't you just take my car?" and I thought, "Because that will suck away the last possible chance that I might enjoy something today?"

    And I admit, it's the one "childish thing" I will not put away. By driving this car, and driving it every day, I am going against the way everybody else says I'm supposed to be. It's my one small and harmless little juvenile act of rebellion which helps me accept that I'm a fully tamed, married and domesticated 30 year old family man who's started to find gray hairs on his head. I've had to change everything about myself to embrace this life of average, middle class beige-ness. Everything but this.

    I need to have a car like this. With a Maverick I can have all the enjoyment of driving a classic muscle car every day, but with none of the guilt or worry. I can build it how I want without a second thought to preserving some kind of storied automotive legacy. I don't have to feel bad about the money I've spent on the car that should have gone somewhere else, because it hasn't been all that much compared to the type of car I'm supposed to drive. And if it gets totalled tomorrow I will simply buy a rust-fee roller for cheap, put all my parts on it and start over. The world has not lost an irreplaceable treasure, it's just a Maverick.

    And no matter how clean or dirty my car looks, nobody ever looks at me going down the road in this car and says, "what a choad" the way they do with Corvette owners. Or like a thirdgen Camaro which looks great until the first tiny speck of dirt hits it and then it conjures up images straight out of My Name is Earl. The Maverick doesn't have any kind of stigma attached to it, it's just an honest working man's muscle car. I don't look rich or poor driving it. Nobody's going to make up their mind about the kind of person I am just from seeing my car.

    It's my decompression room, my therapist's couch, my hobby, and the last piece I have left of the person I was before I started chasing this American dream. What's that worth?
  13. facelessnumber

    facelessnumber Drew Pittman

    Oct 4, 2007
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    Memphis, TN
    '71 Grabber
    ...Now don't get me wrong. I don't hate my life, I love it. I'm blessed. But damnit I'm bored.
  14. ShelbyMaverik74

    ShelbyMaverik74 Member

    Jul 21, 2009
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    1974 Shelby Mav Clone
    I will second that thought, I bought mine for $2700 plus extra ford parts and I thought it was good deal. After I dug in some Ive found some flaws that are gonna cost me a little to make right, but I still think I did good. The point is that the FIRST day I took it to work somebody offered me $5,000 for it. Sure I could have done it and snagged a better start for a project, but in the end IS THERE REALLY A BETTER START FOR A PROJECT THAN A MAVERICK. :drive: These cars are worth billions becouse we love them, heck why not say trillions thats what kinda numbers all the big wigs are talkin these days!! LOL !!

    P.S. Watch out I'm dropping in 400 horses and a built tranny by the end of this month and I still have 4 wheel drums!!!!!:eek3:
  15. 71gold

    71gold Frank Cooper Supporting Member

    Apr 9, 2002
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    '73 Grabber
    there's a fine line between...

    ...PRICELESS!!!! and worthless!!!!

    to own one, it's...Priceless...:D...to sell one, it's...worthless...:cry:

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