Friday February 12th, 2010! EST - 8pm-10pm CST - 7pm-9pm PST - 6pm-8pm Some people already knows about this, Chat about Mavs/Comets, projects, buy parts, sell parts, trade parts, whatever you want to do!!/event.php?eid=313711409244&ref=nf Theres a LOT of Maverick/Comet people on Facebook, join it if you havent yet, and if you are a member, post your Facebook URL and I'll update this post with member's URLs Jeff S. Jamie Miles Facelessnumber Bowstick diddie RMiller JHodges lilfarley
I'll probably be busy working on my truck then. If not, I'll try to stop in. My Facebook is in my signature.
Thanks for the responses...I currently have 27 Maverick friends on Facebook...Id post them here but I dont know if theyd want their profile publicly advertised
Yeah I had to make it late for the eastern people so the western people can catch some of it too. Couldnt hold it in AM because thats when most people are at work/busy with stuff. EST - 8pm-10pm CST - 7pm-9pm PST - 6pm-8pm
I'll try to make it but I think the wife has dinner plans. My URL is!/profile.php?ref=profile&id=1298320662 there is mine. I sent friend requests to everyone I recogonized from the forum