hi i searched on the internet to know if my 5.0 engine is roller or not but some say it and some say its not. how i can verify if its roller or not ?? thank you
It IS ! Irecently scrapped my mother-in-laws 1990 Crown victoria and I kept the engine and trans out of it. I had no se for the factory intake,soI Pulled it and let it go to the metal yard with the car , the engine IS a roller cammed engine.
You got the answer for your engine but, in general, you can tell by the firing order. Flat tappet: 1-5-4-2-6-3-7-8. Roller cam: 1-3-7-2-6-5-4-8. Rotor turns counter-clockwise. If you can recognize a cast iron vs steel distributer gear, a roller motor will have steel dist gear -- flat tappet motor has a cast iron gear.
The firing order isn't an indication of a roller cam. The 90 Vic used the "base" roller, which used the 15426378 F/O. All the other factory roller grinds used the 13726548 F/O. Distributor rotor rotation is the same for both. The easiest way to Id a roller 5.0 is to measure one pushrod. Roller rods are 6.25" long. All Vics, Towncars and Marquis went roller in 1986. All used the "base" roller cam. As did the 92-93 E & F series vans & trucks
Another myth busted!! I don't answer questions unless I'm confident of the answer. Guess I blew it on this one. Thanks for setting it straight. Is the distributer cast iron vs steel distributor gear statement correct? Looking for a reliable indicator with as little disassembly as possible.
Removing a pushrod is easier than the distributor. And more positive proof of a roller cam. Someone could have swapped the distributor before you got to it.