I have been replacing some of the electrical system on my Maverick. I have been trying for a couple of days to remove the Alternator. Easy Job right? Well it appears after 38 years, the top bolt holding the alternator is frozen to the Alternator. I have tried much PB Blaster and a big cheater bar, but all that happens is the whole alternator will try to turn. I have been thinking lately about putting a cut in the alternator housing around the bolt and giving it it a good wack with a chisel to see if it will break loose. I hate when an easy job like this turns into a nightmare. I thought my 2002 Diesel Alternator swap was going to be the hard one. It took about 15 minutes. Anyone have any better suggestions?
if it was that...i think it would still unscrew from the block... i think it is the...bolt-to-alt....that is corroded together... "the whole alternator will try to turn." ......
Heat for sure. I have freed up things I thought would never come out. You can use something as easy as a little propane deal from lowes. Good luck!
Heat as stated above. If that bothers you, you should try working on them up here in the salt belt. We get parts seized after a couple of years. Wires rotten, brake lines seized after 2 winters. It sucks. Heat and torches are a must up here. Our 38 year old cars were crushed and recycled 20 plus years ago into the tools your using on your car.
Yep, The bolt turns slightly in the block but the alternator is stuck to the bolt. Yes, we did get some cold weather, but I had tried before the cold spell.
Yeah, I hear you. I can imagine what the salt and water does. I suppose if I didn't want to fool with rusty bolts, I shoulda restored a new car
are you wanting to save the alt...if not, drill a few holes (4) in the topside of the alt. mounting sleeve, just down to the mounting bolt. put your...liquid wrench...in these holes and let set overnight... ......
No, I have a new one. I was just replacing the regulator and the wiring and I have a new alternator. I will try that. That's a good idea.