Ok so I was wondering if anybody has race any of the new muscle cars or imports from these days with their mavericks,would like to know how it went thanks
Yes honda=pos haha I havnt seen a quick honda ever here,whenever they pull up to me they get scarred haha
Only new cars I've had bother me is little stocker rice rockets. A few single cam Hondas, and a Sentra or two. I know all of the two guys around here that still run swapped Hondas that could run with me, and we never end up on the road together. It's not even really racing, I can just hear them screaming it to get up to speed on the highway while I'm less than half throttle. One is the only one that I think could hang with even my relatively stock Mav, but that's cause his car's gutted/carbon fibere'd down to about 2400 pounds with him in it, and has a pretty pissed off little B18 in it for how stock the engine is. It beat an 08 Stang heads up.
Took out an 80's IROC Camaro not too long ago. It was all ghetto'ed out with 20" IROC wheels and a candy blue paintjob with the super dark tinted windows...
I raced a late model mustang, but old enough to have the previous body style (04 or older). He had done a "little" work to it, and I happened to stage with him at the 1/8th track. He beat me to the finish line, but I got the white slip because I got there a second quicker. I was looking at something on the floor under my feet and when I looked up, lights were green and he was well on his way. I gunned it and almost caught up with him at the end. He was irate that I got the white slip when he thought he beat me. That was on my stock block with GT40Ps, headers, and mild/moderate cam.
I've raced my dad's 05 Mustang GT with some bolt on's at the local 1/8 mile track and its always a close race. I've beat him some and he's beat me some. We could both be faster tho as we are beginners to racing. I've also had a couple of Hondas with fart pipes try to mess with me but they didn't have a chance. I did have a Porsche Cayenne Turbo beat me the other day, but my car sputtered off the line cause I haven't got my carb tuned perfectly yet. But once I got going I kept up with him, as he just got me off the line. It was still embarrassing losing to a big SUV, even though they seem to be pretty quick.
i have had a fart car rev up on me (rrreeeevvvvwwwwooooo) (i was in the turn lane) then i would rev my motor and get a little sideways then they would back down LOL one time i had one try to play with me then when we start to stop at a red light he will pull up behind me not on the side
My wife got a new 265 hp altima and thought she was fast until one day she attemted to race me in my maverick..Needless to say she lost big time.