I’ve started to develop this really strange ticking in my Maverick’s 302… <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-comfficeffice" /><o> </o> When I start her in the morning…its hard and there a “tick tick tick tick tick tick to the idle… even when I give her 3-5 min to warm up… another!.. “different” ticking “tick tick tick tick tick speeds up then stops…. It comes around in a pattern every minute or less…after she warms up the “different” ticking stops….and the continues repeat of “tick tick tick tick tick tick” remains after she warmed up… it sounds like my timing chain…? I don’t know what I’m talking about… I hope this makes sense… Got any ideas what it might be? <o></o>
either lifters / rockers are starving for oil.. so check your oil level or maybe you have an exaust leak. have you opened the hood to try to see where the sound is comming from?
the oil is in the safe zone the sound is on the drivers side in the front most of whats under there is original exaust... onw has a dent and the other looks good
I'd try tightening the exhaust manifold(s) bolts. As steel changes size in accordance to temperatures, the 'ticking' will fluctuate with the amount of air allowed to escape. Might be time to change the gaskets out. Of course that's all b.s. and you should consider just selling me the car. (hope it's nothing serious)
I'm with Maverick man on the lifter, it may be bleading down and then needs to pump up, but if it's shot it won't pump up as fast. If it's exhaust it will get louder and louder as your RPM's go up. I would think?? good luck
Somewhere in here is a thread I did not long ago under technical. Titled: "My 302 is ticking...lifters?" It will tell you what I found ticking on my 302 with pictures.
You have either a sticky lifter or value. Try change your oil and add some oil treatment that clean the values and lifters and see if that clears it up. You can also have a bent rod or a collespe lifter. Let me know on what you find.
Can i go in and check... fix the lifter or valve without having to do an overhaul? Just open her up and plug in a new valve or lifter... I'll try tightening the exhaust manifold(s) bolts. Do I need a torque wrench? thanks for the info people...
You don't have to go any further than removing the intake for the lifter. but the head has to come off to replace valves.
Some of the 302's use a "lash cap" on top of the valve stem. it may be that one or more of the lash caps is wearing out. "Mercurycruizers" had this problem and was able to find the corrective parts at a local salvage yard. PaulS
Now that you mention it I had that problem too when I had my old Courier. took a bit of head scratching to figure out. My machinist buddy gave me a handfull of them for a sandwich!
might sound crazy, but how old is your water pump? i had a 77 granada do the same thing, the barings were practicly gone by the time i found that was the problem.. grab your fan and wiggle it a bit (NOT WHILE THE MOTOR IS RUNNING OF COURSE)
An old trick that my dad taught me to pinpoint the location of noises is to get a piece of wood like a broom handle with the broom cut off and use it as a stethascope. Rest one end of the stick on the area where you think the noise may be coming from and put the other end to your ear. Move the stick around until you find the noise. Just be careful not to get it caught in the belts or fan. Sam