I Need help getting my windshield wiper nob out of the dash of my car. The dash is removed from my car, but its raining hardcore right now and i can't drive back to my house from my mothers (i dont have internet). All i need is to get the windshield wiper mechanism out of the dash to i can put it back into my dashless car and drive in during the rain I would really appreate your help
There is a little metal clip in the knob. If you look around the knob base you will see a small grove. take a small curved pick (or you can use a paper clip and make a small bend in it) and push the metal clip down while pulling on the knob. The knob should slide off.
I'm going from memory and it's been awhile, but here it goes. -Remove the plastic knob from the metal rod (see above post) -Use a pair of needlenose pliers to reach around the rod and insert the tips into the face of the chrome plate that looks like this (+) -Twist it off -The mechanism should now pop out of the back. There may be something else holding it to the back, but I don't think so. If all else fails, put about three coats of rain-x on your windshield and you'll be fine. I drove my car in Florida with no functional wipers for months and I was fine.
Been a while but if I remember right the knob is a push on with a steel spring clip that bites into the shaft if you try to pull on the knob. The clip has to be pushed backwards off the shaft. You should be able to get a 90 degree pick or whatever you can get behind the knob. Kind of hard to explain but you have to bring the pic along the shaft towards the back of the knob. The knob will slide right off as you pull the pick into the back of the knob where it goes onto the shaft. Its a metal clip that you will be pulling against. Cant remember which way the clip release faces relative to the knob(up or down) but you'll find it. Be careful you dont stab yourself. Hopefully this is right style I'm thinkin of since its been about 20 years since I did one.