want to build that hot 408 but dont have the cash for it??? cant´ invite out the girl of your dreams because your car sucks??? tired of your friends making fun out of your vehicle??? NO PROBLEM!!!! BE A REAL RICER!! i mean a REAL RACER!!!! THIS WILL SOLVE ALL YOUR PROBLEMS: http://www.stuffjunction.com/Game-a...PRE-ORDER-Available-to-ship-3-15-10-p109.html
LOL, this sounds like what I need to get the wife for april fools and plug it in! She is always saying how her daily driver 01 corrola is just so plain, slow, and as she says "no gitty up and Go!". Well now it can atleast sound right lol. Ironically she never complains about filling the car up, or how much gas costs her a week..........
It's been posted here before....Twice http://mmb.maverick.to/showthread.php?t=64824 http://mmb.maverick.to/showthread.php?t=65375 [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9XAC-BvUyo"]YouTube- Shonky and the SoundRacer V8[/ame]
I called and looked into it.. its about 40 bucks. i might get one to put in my wife's celica to make it sound like the v12
I figure its worth it cause it has a built in FM transmitter...my last FM transmitter only last 6 months...and now its god awful boring driving a 2001 impala. I need that V10 sound or at least my MP3's ASAP stupid GM didn't put input jacks in these cars back in the day...