Whoever wants pictures of the Mav-Com breakfast from this Saturday please P.M me your E-mail address and i will send them to you.
If you post them I will give you a box of square points and a box of round points, but this offer is only good till March 18 2010!!
Oh and by the way BIG DADDY (Comrick)thank you for taking the pics. You always are first guy in line to support The Maverick / Comet get togethers or first events that we put on. Thanks.
Here it is, only March and the NRMCC has already had 2 "snowfest, 20,000 calorie induced, grand slam-fests". I think everybody is very supportive of the group. But kudos to Carey for being the bestest shutterbug at all events that take place and documenting the gala activies. I have seen the pics and was that Shelby? And did that little one eat that breakfast??? WOW...
Yes the 20,000 calories were consumed by all guys and that would be 20,000 each. Ah pancakes yum yum. And now for Mav/Com Breakfast in June?Who is up for it? This will be after The Mountain Cruz on April 24 2010.