picked up 2 over the weekend at Walmart, 1 to open ,1 to keep for collection! Comparing side by side with the 1/64 wild cherry maverick I notice they are different, they both look dead on by them selves but together the hot wheels to me looks closer to true scale, I also compared to the tigerwheels maverick which to me looks to be identical to the wild cherry( does anyone know if they were made by same venter?), All my tigerwheels and JL mavericks are unopened but appear to be same body scale to wild cherrys, I dont mean the size as much as exact deminsions, I have noticed the same in larger models such as the 55 crown vics by Danbury and Franklen mint, one looked perfect till I compared it to the other then one(FM) seemed to stand out as more dead on than the other, mostly around the grill, ether way Ive collected all the mavericks in the different colors but missed out on the tigerwheels sprint, I ordered the tigerwheels thru this board when they were first released and got all of them but the sprint, I dont remember why I missed it but still regret it, I am sure over time hw will have different colors and so will I!!
Hot Wheels have always had their own way to scale the cars ... they start with the wheel size and work backwards. In other words, comparing one HW model to another, they won't be in scale to each other.
Tiger Wheels made two different Sprints. I got both of them with my collection. They have different interiors.
quote: Tiger Wheels made two different Sprints. I got both of them with my collection. They have different interiors Now I have twice the regrets!! LOL I see some of the other tigerwheel Mavericks show up on ebay some but have never seen the sprint! I don't remember how I missed it when they were first offered, seems like I bought a "lot" of 5 or 6 and the sprint was sold separate or something, mine are all unopened but they sure look close to the wild cherry mold, do you know if it was the same? I have a bunch of wild cherrys and have thought about a custom sprint from one of those