yesterday when i was watching this show it looked like there was a yellow mav in there altough it could have been a pinto also it looked like a small bumper yellow mav with one of the grills that dont have lights
Pics ok here are some pics of the first episode(looks like another mav) the mav that i was talking about doesnt come out until the 2nd episode pic 1 pic2
finally ok here are 3 pic's the fist one it looked like a mav but with closer inspection it turned out to be a mercedes and the next two picks it looks like another mav i will try to get the 2nd episode-in that one it clearly looks like a mav
'Happens to me all the time. I go to open the door to my Maverick only to find it's my neighbor's Mercedes S class. Boy, do I ever feel stupid.
Close I was just watching it today, saw this blue mav and raced for the contoller to hit the freeze button.