After drooling over Thack and GrabberGT's cars I decided I had to do the wheel opening mod. Figured if it didn't look like it was going the right direction I had the quarters to put it back to stock. So far so good so I cut up the replacemen quarter and made patch panels. It's a slow go but it's coming along nicely. Rally surprised this isn't done to more cars, I really think it looks great. I left some along the top to form into the new lip and cut slits into it tomake it easier to form. Got the top rolled into place and hacked the rest out to see where it sat. Makes the tiny little 14's look even smaller. Did you know a Nissan Altima has the same bolt pattern? I did this to see how a 26" tall tire would fill it out. I have plenty of room to drop it 3"'s easily. Gives you an idea how much comes off. Trimmed and fitted. Still re-building the outer wheel house so I'm not quite ready to weld it in. Once I do it's off to the back to get rid of the rust there. Looks like my wife is headed out of town Saturday so I'll have the day to try and finish this side!
Awesome! Now get it done and down in the weeds already. While you're back there cutting and welding anyway, mini-tub it.
I thought about mini tubs but this is already enough work as it is. What can I say, I'm kind of lazy!
I dont know about lazy, crazy might be a better word for you Keep up the good work after watching that car being for sale for so long I am glad a person with your talent got it and is making it better than original
I've seen this done a couple of times....on drag cars in the rear and a car that had really large diameter wheels and lowered. Fits pretty good with the body line once it's done. When the wheelwells are opened up to that body line it reminds me of the way Mustang wheel openings are....sort of.
Good work i never new that much was removed. im going with the same tire size...but im hoping to fit it without rolling the fenders here you go...,+MUSTANG,ETC.
Ours is a 2004. The backspacing won't work though, the wheel is just barely hanging on the studs and the tire is against the body and spring.
Yeah I had a set of 18" brand new Maxima rims I got from our dealership for free. I thought about running them. The rear were fine because I got the 4link and mini tubs. But the hub center i.d. on the front is too small. You would have to runs spacers or take out some material.