I'm not surprised. Anybody with any intelligence and taste would pick your car. You sure scared the hell out of me with that thread title though.
T.L. made a lot good points about our cars, I remember back in the mid-80's that our cars were not cool at all. I was just talking to Dave (MaverickGrabber), about the same thing, how back then the junkyard were full of Mavericks and Comets. T.L. summed it pretty good about are cars, but like Dan said "We were ahead of our time and the rest of the world is catching up."
Well, while some are ahead of their time, Craig with his experiences must live back up in the woods too far-maybe 3-4 yrs. from civilization!! JK-Craig. I always had comments and thumbs ups when mine was on the road from '84-'91 when I parked it. Perhaps it was the bright red paint, and the fact that I drove it everyday and washed it 8-10 times a week. Maybe it was because it was a GT-a little unusual. I will find out soon if it still attracts attention. Craig-just don't go riveting a mailbox on the hood and adding air shocks to get attention. Seth
I would be the first to agree......Mavericks...in the most part, are sedate looking sedans. Even the white car I just bought looks rather boring to the average person. Thank goodness it has the aluminum wheels instead of the factory LDO hubcaps and whitewalls....it would look really boring then. But just wait till the orange car is done, and I take it and the white Maverick to a show and park them next to each other and tell people: "Yes....they are both Mavericks!!!"
Was reading on Fox News site, Mancow Muller's blog, and he mentioned his yellow '72 Ford Maverick. Said we pay $1.50/gal while the Iraqis pay five cents/gallon...and he is right. No politics, he just mentioned his Mav. BTW, is he a member of the club or this board? Be interesting to know. Later,
congrats dan... your car is well deserved of the win! but i do know what you mean with all the coments on the maverick. i love to just stand around or sit next to the car and they have no idea i own it. (thats a whole differant story in itself) anyways, you can really hear some intresting things. and i hear yah about the trophy.. i'd rather have the comments about the car then some stinkin trophy $8.. however the trophys cool if the car beats out some 60k chevy! lol thats well worth it! if trophies were an issue i'd buy myself one! infact this past weekend i went to a show and i was the only car in the class! yeah it won a trophy bit woopee but whats the point if your the only on in the class? but the best thing was is that the announcer of the show gave it a big spoof about the maverick and the spectators claped more then any other car announced. job well done dude! now when is someone gonna feature that thing?!!!!! i'm sure you'll care about that instead of some stinkin trophy. lol
Way to go Dan! It's always good to hear when one of our Mavericks gets the attention it deserves. And your right about the trophies. I have a bookshelf full of them and you know what they really are? Dust collectors. They don't mean a thing compared with the fun of going to the shows and just talking to people. I will admit there is one that I am very proud of. It's a best of show engraved brass bowl we got at an AACA show with well over 500 cars attending. That blew my mind, and it's the only one I really care about. I have never found there to be a problem with my car having the big bumpers as compared to the smaller ones when we go to a show. Those who know it's a Maverick like it for what it is and those who don't know what it is will either ask or keep on walking. And don't worry Craig. Those folks who ignored your Maverick where idiots.
Dan how could you go wrong with that car? Crongrats!!! Alot had to do with the combination that you are running, Dan that car just looks awesome, right paint scheme, right wheels, nice interior..... Awesome Dan:bananaman :bananaman
Congrats Dan wish I'de have known about the cruise in I'd have been there as its only 1.5 hours from home and I've got some family there. I'd have been talking about it too.
Dan Congrats!<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-comfficeffice" /><o></o> <o></o> I just love to watch people walk up to my Maverick. The comments range from "What is it?" to "Wow, it is a Maverick I used to have one of those" <o></o>
Congrats Dan, even with stiff competition you still walked away with recognition. That sounded like something Jesse Jackson would of said, sorry. Whether it be Chevy, Mopar, Ford or whatever, it should never come down to tunnel vision in remembering the way they were produced. All makes and models have a certain potential. If someone turns there nose up at my car I view them as NOT being a car crazy person, just crazy. I like cool cars no matter what the make. I've owned my Maverick for 21 years. Drove it as a daily driver for 16 years. I decided to do the Hot Rod thing with my Maverick for the sole purpose of being DIFFERENT and oh yeah I think there cool. AIN'T SCARED be different.