spit hell i would want to beat sombodys a** sorry about your bad luck thats aweful did they have ins.i hope so
The kid that hit me has insurance, regardless it will be fixed, my biggest worry is i just recieved a short notice tasking. i will be leaving for the middle east in 12 days with no projected return date so i will have to try and get the insurance portion resolved before i leave. the spot i am going to has no computer no phone sno electricity, it is basically a big patch of sand that we will have to build into a base.
Wow that sucks!! I do know who you feel, since someone just did the same thing to my 2 month old F150.
Damn Man...sorry to hear that.That is one good looking car.Could have been ALOT worse.At least the damage stayed towards the rear,and you didn't get T-Boned.Best thing is that you came out OK.
Well, if you can't get it taken care of before you leave get someone you trust a power of attorney specifically for dealing with the insurance company on this matter. Too bad about the car. Looked like a nice original car. - Matt
My thoughts exactly. If you do it I would put in writing your expectations in regards to how you want it fixed and by who, that will eliminate most what ifs that may come up.