Really Nice Comet ...I don't think I have seen it here before this. I expect that a good bodyman ought to be able to make it right. Get referrals from friends ... there is a huge range of skills out there, from amazing artists to total slackers. As far as the uncalled for "Comet are parts car" joke (really bad timing, dude), rest assured that if a quarter is harvested to fix your car, it is 5 times more likely that the donor will be a Mav ...
Dude...that car is soooo nice! It looks fixable man, just park it in the garage till you get back. Wow, I don't know what to say.
I'm honestly sorry to see that your car got wrecked and I'm not just saying it either. I own 2 '72 Comet GTs and know how hard it is to find parts for them. Quite honestly, if that would have happened to me I wouldn't be dealing with the teenager. I would be dealing with their next of kin! "Honestly officer, I have no idea how their head went through the windshield!" -Scott H.
Very sorry about the car, but that old dude has dodged plenty of bullets in his days. Whats important is that you can do the same. I'm a Nam Vet and it was many years before anyone thanked me for my service. I'm glad to see they don't wait that long any more. I sure won't, THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE TO THIS, THE GREATEST COUNTRY GOD EVERY ALLOWED, and don't worry we'll be here when you get back, and we can help you fined parts for the old guy. God Bless