Hey all, I'm new to the site, but I've loved Mavericks since my first one at age 16. Can anybody tell me how to get the picture of my car next to my screen name on my posts? I can upload attachments, but it will not let me upload to the gallery. Thanks
from Northeast Pennsylvania Just look up at the top of this page and you will see "user CP" (control panel) button on the left - you can edit your details there.
Hello from Taylor also, I live over by where Allen/Pelham (W/e you wanna call it, same road) intersects Ecorse, over on Jackson street, glad to see I'm not the only Maverick owner around here. Nice car btw, hopefully mine will be running by the end of this Summer.
Hey 70ProStreet. I know exactly where that is. my former brother in law used to live on that street. Hope we can get together sometime. There is also a lady I met Saturday night at the A&W by Elizabeth park who has a clean 69 1/2 Maverick with a straight six. So we have at least 3 Mavs in the area. By the way, thats a mighty mean lookin Mav you got there! Thanks to everybody for welcoming me to the board.
Thanks. Its a long way from done though. Yours looks cleaner than mine. I really like the wheels you got on it
Thanks, I'll PM you my cell phone number, I know a few Maverick guys around there's a few in Westland, one (Chris Robinson) is the guy I bought my car from and he has a White Mav he races (I have a pic of it somewhere in the gallery), btw, are you familar with the car show at Sears in Allen Park Friday nights? Maybe that would be a cool place to meet up.