I picked up a set of outlaw aluminum wheels that could use a clean up. What is the best way to bring these back? Has anybody used one of those sponge ball that go in a drill ? Has anybody used Mothers Billet cleaner, how does it do compared to plain Mothers ? HELP Thanks
Yup ... what Craig said ... if they are clearcoated, and don't look good, that is a toughie. I have an Explorer with factory aluminum wheels and the clear is starting to go. I am thinking seriously about having these wheels powdercoated in light denim blue to match the paint ...
Their not clearcoated. I really wonder if anybodys used one of those power balls ? Are they worth it ?
I would be interested to know how those buffing ball thingys work also, I have always done it the old fashioned way with 1500 wet or dry sandpaper and heavy metal (an aluminum metal polish) an old biker showed me, takes a couple hours a wheel. I have also polished the ones with the clear coat coming off, used acetone to eat the clear coat all the way off and polished the same way
i have two of the mothers balls and they work great, just make sure you clean the balls real good when you are done
Yellow, that is a cool tip about the acetone ... that write-up on that Civic board was pretty good, but they used aircraft stripper, and you have to be very careful with that stuff ... you really want a respirator with it, very hard on your lungs. I might have to try the acetone on mine. Anybody here ever use Zoops? It is supposed to preserve a polished surface ... popular with bikers.
I have heard that Oven Cleaner works to remove deteriorating clear coating but have not tried it. Bruce
LOL Sorry could not resist! Eagle One A to Z wire wheel cleaner works great, just follow directions. Also the Eagle one will clean the crap out of brass and bronze...I use it to clean my Zildjan Cymbals and they come out looking new every time!