What's the rest of the article say? Why did they do this? I'm sure there isn't much left worth salvaging at this point. Probably in far worse shape then that Tulsarama car they dug up a few years back.
LOL!!!! 1970 and in san jose.... most likely due to the proximity of San Fran and bezerkley.... im sure some of you older gents know what im talkin bout.
they did this as a protest against smog pollution and internal combustion engines because of the pollution they caused
More links: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/object/article?f=/c/a/2010/04/19/DDG21BST18.DTL&o=0 http://media.www.thespartandaily.co...News/A.Witness.To.A.Car.Funeral-3346453.shtml http://www.78ta.com/smf/index.php?topic=23140.msg246594;topicseen
well i guess they were chevy guys lol. i think we should throw rocks at their grave. anyone know where they are burried we can have our next maverick meet there lol
Just think they polluted the very environment they were so happy to try and preserve. They just don't get it....