I have an oil leek that seems to be pretty major. I'm losing about 3 quarts a week. The front and middle of the oil pan seem to be clean, but the back at the transmission is covered in what appears to be oil. Could this be the oil pan gasket??? Please shot me some ideas!!! I'd really like to learn more about this so I can gain that knowledge for the future, so anything that you know of would be great for me! Thank you again and I will keep you all posted on this issue
Hopefully that's what it is. but you may also be looking at a rear main seal. to repair this, you'll need to pull the motor.
actually i find it easier to pull the tranny but i have acess to lifts. I have the same problem intresting facty about the 250 apparently there are a total of 14 gaskets in the engine from what i can tell with kits. And all of them on my car leaking By the end of this summer my complete drivetrain will be rebuilt.
Here are some pics so you can see a little of whats going on . I'm not apposed to a large maintenance project because I really enjoy working on my Mav, so that's not a problem if it is something major. So shoot those comments at me!
can you tell if its tranny oil or motor oil? before you jerk the motor make sure! you don't want to do all that for a simple fix. been there- done that
that doesnt look like 3 quarts a week worth of oil. i suspect that your burning more oil than your leaking. does the car blow smoke out the exhast when your driving? what your pictures show looks alot like the power stearing leaking and its fluid blowing back over everything. 3 quarts a week would have the whole botom of the car covered in oil and driping off of every thing. if your pcv valve is pluged up it can cause excess oil burning. the pcv is a cheap thing to replace so try that.
That is very interesting...it does blow white smoke out for a few minutes after you start the car and when you've just come out of neutral... Whatever fluid it is is blackish brown in color... I also smell a burning fluid smell from under the car when im driving sometimes but i dont know if there related.
start checking fluid levels!!!!!! if you smell burning oil something is BAD. blowing white smoke sounds like valve seats. that means a pressure test and head job. you could saave a boat load of money by doing the labor yourself, but know this , if your doing that bolts need to be replace in the very spot they came from as well as the lifters if you dont replace, and push rods. also dont just go snatching of the head there is a torque order for tear down and rebuild. invest in a service manual from chilltons pretaining to your motor. GOOD LUCK!!!
If its burning oil (I am with Bryant on the not 3 qts per under the car) the smoke will be blue not white. The PCV will suck oil and cause it to be ingested and burned if its stuck open...If its stuck shut it will force the crankcase to pressurize and blow oil out the weakest sealing point.(usually pops the dipstick off its seat too)Clean the engine off/top and bottom to get the swill off it. Make certain all your fluids are at the recommended full level,drive a day or two and re-check levels.Whatever is low is whats leaking.If the engine oil goes down its burning it if you dont see a MAJOR leak somplace.With a clean dry engine you will spot a leak pretty easily.Good luck!!!
Agree on checking out all before tearing apart. You can see spot burning of oil on your exhaust pipe (good pic's by the way) Also, looks like your 2 lines from tranny to radiator are rubbing or dang near on the exhaust pipe. Move or make new ones and get them away from the hot pipe. Those lines cool your tranny fluid and do not need heated up from exhaust. Have you changed your oil lately?
wipe it down and run it in the driveway with card board under it, rev it for about a minutes and check to see where its from...