It was a great day Friday! Couldn't have ask for nicer weather. I didn't find any Maverick parts that I was looking for but came home with a boat load of tools including a much needed coil spring compressor. Now I should be able to get the rest of the front chassis parts off of the car for the disc conversion. Cleaning and painting will take up most of the time. Anyone else come home with any good stuff?
By the time I walked the flea market my legs couldn't do the car corral. I did not spot any though. Thats not to say there may have been one or more out there.
Agree, Friday was PERFECt!!! 70 degrees, sunny and breezy. I picked up three gas caps with the long horns for a buck a piece. One is really nice. Other two have a scratch or two. Also, three sets of tail lights. Again, one set really nice and others just OK. $15 for two pair and $10 for the otherpair. A scratch 'n dent X-pipe -- couldn't see anything wrong with it -- for $20. LOTS of misc non-specific stuff.
I was there on Thursday and found a nice pair of yellow 75-up Comet doors, left front fender, trunk lid and a 70 rear valance and grille. It was at the end of the day and no one was around. The 75-up parts were real nice, no dents or rust, original paint. 70 grille was missing the emblem but otherwise nice, valance wasn't rusted but dented. Fred