=( No Bueno... My budget, or my Plan B.

Discussion in 'General Maverick/Comet' started by Stwjester, Apr 26, 2010.

  1. Stwjester

    Stwjester Member

    Sep 16, 2009
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    1970 Maverick(Mod Grabber)
    This is what I'm looking at to put the v8 into my mav...

    -1 set of V8 frame mounts/stands
    -1 set of new V8 engine mounts
    -1 V8 trans cross member
    -1 V8 engine brace cross member (belly bar)
    -attaching bolts

    300 dollars
    1986 302 w/c4 a/t and headers. switched over to points and carb but still have fuel inj. stuff
    450 dollars
    209+Shipping(230)(champion) or 160(Advance auto)
    100 dollars

    Grand TOTAL: 1210 dollars with 160 rad or 1280 with the Champ rad.

    OR Plan B... Get another c4 trans( have a friend who has one for like 100(with driving expense to get it) and rebuild my Engine(or just rebuild MY engine/trans here in lexington and get GOUGED like no other here in LExington, LOL) Pick up a new exhaust manifold unless someone here has a non-rusted through one for cheap =(
    and get the new radiator for like 160...

    All and All Plan B. will probably total around 800 dollars

    My Original Budget was basically a thousand dollars, and am stuck between what I really want to do, and what I should do... Please keep in mind, this is my daily driver and I'm a poor college kid, so I don't have a ton of cash to just throw at it.

  2. CornedBeef4.6L

    CornedBeef4.6L no longer here

    Apr 3, 2003
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    like I said do what you want and I will help out where I can cuz mavericking is about helping others enjoy these great cars just as much as it is enjoying the yourself!!!!(y)
  3. 1973Maverick357

    1973Maverick357 Cooler then a Camaro

    Nov 16, 2008
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    1976 stallion,1973 2dr mav,1975 2 dr comet,1964 F100,1970 Mav Grabber
    I would say plan a. If you rebuild the 6 cylinder and stuff your still not gonna be happy because at some point you know your gonna wanna put a v8 in and it will just be $800 wasted in my opinion. Just do the more expensive route and then you wont have to redo it in a year or so. JMO though
  4. Jamie Miles

    Jamie Miles the road warrior

    Feb 8, 2005
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    Being totally realistic, if I was starting from scratch with no parts on hand, I wouldn't even think of undertaking a V8 swap unless I had at least 2 grand in my pocket. So many unforeseeable little things that can nickel and dime you to death. I also wouldn't do a V8 swap without putting front disc brakes on the car. What's wrong with the current engine? You should be able to pick up a good running straight 6 for under $300. I'd slap another cheap, used engine in there to get by for a while, and keep saving up.
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2010
  5. 1973Maverick357

    1973Maverick357 Cooler then a Camaro

    Nov 16, 2008
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    1976 stallion,1973 2dr mav,1975 2 dr comet,1964 F100,1970 Mav Grabber
    Good point. I just sold a 250 six cylinder runs great low milage for $150.
  6. Positively Ralf

    Positively Ralf Here and There

    Jun 17, 2008
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    1974 Maverick
    If you are a poor college kid and you really love your Maverick, I'd suggest you make the Mav a side project and pick yourself up something that will get you by. You do this and can be saving up at the same time. Not to mention that by having the Mav as a side project, you can work one thing at a time without having to worry about 5 other things as well.

    My 2 cents of course. And it's pretty much the same 2 cents I always give to folks who are on a budget and are in school at the same time :)
  7. Stwjester

    Stwjester Member

    Sep 16, 2009
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    1970 Maverick(Mod Grabber)
    Let me rephrase... I'm a poor young kid, not in college, that lives in an apartment complex that tows any broken down or extra vehicle. I have NO place put put the mav if I kept it and got another vehicle... and IF I did decide to sell it, and in order to get an equivilent "Non shi***/non blown headgasket vehicle like my last one" I would be looking at 4500+ around here, and without a laon, that isn't going to happen, period.

    I got the mav because it ran much better than my 98 did, and it was something I could work on, but lost my job due to unfortunate circumstance, so what was a daily driver that I was saving up a bit to improve has now become a car that I NEED to improve while I have a bit of money to do it... otherwise it's either A going to get to the point where it "degrade" and will be out of my price range to FIX, or B. life will catch up...

    I'm 23, with no credit... not BAD credit, just a lack of good credit, no one that even COULD co-sign for a car loan or anything else...

    So my Option is Fix the Mav until the next thing needs fixed(what I have been doing), or spend what money I DO have set aside for it(about 1000 but could stretch 1200) to upgrade to a bit newer and what is in theory a "more reliable" engine.

    If it was up to me, I'd love to have atleast 2500 for a budget for it... but I don't... and if I COULD find a 250i6 with low miles that runs great that is CLOSE to Lexington, I would LOVE to take that option... even though I would still need a new c4 trans, carb, starter, alt, etcetcetcetc...

    And I appologize to the entire forum board for my little rant, Just stressed, HATE the feeling like no matter what option I choose it will be wrong, or the feeling of being helpless... If that makes sense...

    /Rant over... I'll be back to my usual charming self by in the morning... or whenever I get all this squared away.

    If it was just a "side project" I wouldn't be stressing about it... but I don't have that option... so instead It's trying to figure out what to do, and asking for guidience and input to help me in that.

    I THANK EVERYONE for their imput into the matter. I really am grateful, and if it doesn't seem so at this second, I am absorbing everything anyone has to stay.
  8. justin has a 74

    justin has a 74 Maverick bandit official

    Sep 18, 2008
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    my offer still stands! $200:rofl:
  9. justin has a 74

    justin has a 74 Maverick bandit official

    Sep 18, 2008
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    btw have you tried this air filter kit?
  10. Jamie Miles

    Jamie Miles the road warrior

    Feb 8, 2005
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    What's wrong with the motor currently in the car that it needs rebuilt/replaced? 200's and 250's are damn near impossible to kill. IMO they are just as, if not more reliable then a 302. With your situation, it really makes more sense to me to keep the I6 for now.

    If your dead set on the 302, something you left off the list is a floor shifter, the column shifter can't be easily made to work with headers. Also, you need to verify the headers on the motor you're looking at are correct for a Maverick. Do you have a cherry picker and tools to do the swap? It's too bad you aren't closer, I've got spare engines, transmissions, disc brakes, 5 lug rearends, all kinds of crap laying around, few weekends of work and I could whip that thing right into shape.
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2010
  11. CornedBeef4.6L

    CornedBeef4.6L no longer here

    Apr 3, 2003
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    I got the tools covered(y)......and an extra set of headers he can have......I told him we would look the car over and fix what if he has if it ends up making sense....
  12. Jamie Miles

    Jamie Miles the road warrior

    Feb 8, 2005
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    13 Mavericks
    Ah, good to see he's got some help with it. (y)
  13. Positively Ralf

    Positively Ralf Here and There

    Jun 17, 2008
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    1974 Maverick
    oh ok. Guess I did read that wrong. Since you live in an apartment complex, I really suggest you just work with what you have.

    With the $1,000 budget, you can get the 200 running great and without problems. Not to mention that you can most likely do all of the work yourself to save on money for other things that will make the car into a great car for a daily driver.

    Good luck!
  14. CaptainComet

    CaptainComet Large Member

    Mar 18, 2007
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    Somewhat related to topic ....

    If you need to establish credit, a good way to start is to get a card from one of the gasoline companies. Usually you will get a few cents off per gallon while using it. It will also be an interest rate around 21 percent ... high! ... the trick is to be sure to pay it off every month. That will bump your credit score up.

    Another good one is Kohl's department store. They practically give free money (gift cards) out every other month to cardholders ... again ... pay it off every month before interest hits.

    Once you have that going for a while, check out local credit unions ... more of them are accepting walk-in clients now ... typically free checking, and you may qualify for a nice low interest ( around 8 percent ) card with a low limit ... enough to bail you out of a tight spot.

    Personally, I am on the fence as far as which way to go with your car. You're going to have to stretch to get a V8 in there ... going to need help. If you can get a running wreck and horse-trade stuff off of it, that may get you there ... but you need to store it somehow. Check out Copart.com ... lots of fresh meat there.

    Best of luck with whatever route you go with the car... nice to see help from the board.
  15. coutangman

    coutangman Member

    Feb 15, 2007
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    '72 Comet GT, '72 Sprint Mustang Sportroof, '73 Mustang conv, '69 Cougar XR7 conv.
    Owning a 1970 car with no backup vehicle in Ky with the winters I remember is asking for trouble. I lived through 40+ of those winters up there. I hate to say it, but you may have the wrong combination for success by even keeping the car. Old cars always have issues that catch you blindsided. Most of the people here have another vehicle or at least access to another one because of that fact.

    I hate to say it, but you might be better served with your circumstance to sell the Maverick and look for a front wheel drive newer vehicle. I am sure with what you would get from the Maverick and $1000 you can find something dependable.

    I know there is a certain feeling of pleasure and pride to drive a classic car. However, you must also look at the real world side. When you get another job or you wish to visit someone a few hours away, you need the confidence that you will get there and back.

    I drove a '69 Cougar conv to work every day for over 3 years up until 6 months ago. I have driven several others before that one. It was great and I got a lot of attention on the road and at work. However, I also had a backup newer vehicle in case something happened. I like driving classic cars better than the newer ones. When you have a car with 40 year old parts in it, though, anything can happen.

    Given the fact that you have no place to work on a car and no other car to back you up, and can't do much of the work yourself, you might want to consider that option rather than pour more money into something that will require even more money down the road. And that is money you can never expect to get back out of the car.

    I love these old cars. You can tell that by looking at what I own. However, I have a place to work on them, can do some of the work myself, and have backup vehicles to drive. Just another option to consider. Good luck with whatever you decide.


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