My car will not stay running after i floor it, it will stay running as long as i have my foot in the gas but as soon as i let off it dies. I set the timing this morning, it made it run better but it still dies. I made a video to show what its doing, not the greatest quality but it helps. [nomedia=""]YouTube- maverick wont stay running[/nomedia]
sounds like a carb prob get it to rev up then put your hand over the carb it will suck on your hand and die down then let your hand off and let it rev back up then do it agen do this a few times then see if it helps and on my 302 mav 600 cfm carb it will bogg down when the motor is cold ?? it goes away around 140-160 degrese
It would be a big help if you'd let of the brakes when you nail the pedal. You don't have a carb problem, you've got a "foot on the brake" problem.
No, I havent had a chance to look at it yet It does this even when my foot isnt on the brake. I only did it so i wouldnt move out of the way of the camera It drives fine, and idles ok, it only does it in gear when i floor it and let off quickly. If i ease off the throttle it will stay running, and it started since i put the engine together
Dont know, i dont have a tach yet. I have a cheap one somewhere around here maybe Ill hook it up. What should my idle rpm in gear be?
When you let off the pedal quickly, the throttle blades slam shut, cutting of the air flow. Sounds like the return spring is too heavy and/or the idle mixture is too lean. More timing may help it too.
Could be something to do with the fuel bowls? Worth checking the floats are set right by taking the lid off and measuring how far they hang.