How do I remove the P/S control valve? Unscrewed the top nut, but can't really understand how to get the thing down
I don't get it I can't get the valve out of the pitman arm, and I don't know how to remove that roll pin either I have a pitman arm puller, but it won't fit between the top of the valve/pitman arm and the floorpans.. I can't really see it working any other way?
Use a pickle fork, AKA, "ball joint separator." Also you will need a BFH and approximately 1/8 oz. of fresh, warm human blood. (Preferably your own, but substitution is permissible.)
I have one of these But I can't figure out how to do it :s
That will destroy the steering gear. Never use a pickle fork if you're going to re-use the part. Disconnect the steering box from the frame rail and rag joint so you can get the puller on the pitman.
The old valve was leaking, so I'm changing it for a new one.. I've beaten the old one to death anyways now, so a little more damage won't hurt Only thing left is to figure out an easy way to get the valve out.. I was hoping someone here could provide a detailed ,but easy, way to get the old one out
Go for this one instead... :Handshake
I don't think I'd be able to use that one without removing the pitman arm, which I'm really hoping I don't have to do I've gotten one like facelessnumber posted though (also an "endeleddsavtrekker"), pluss a pitch fork and some other stuff, so I should be able to get it out somehow during the weekend
use a ball joint puller, it's smaller than the pitman arm puller and it fits on the stud perfect.... now the trick part is to align CV stud, JB puller installed so that you can see it from the top of the engine bay between the engine and the body using the steering wheel for movement.... use a long extension or extensions 1/2 drive past fender level and go slow on the cranking with breaker bar.... it will pop out.... this answer is a little late but could help some one in the future ...good luck-mel-