Somebody to know how many horsepowers had the original machine 302-V8 of the maverick 77??? :confused:
HP 302 According to my book, the 77 Mav 302 was rated at 137hp. Somewhere in time the mfg. chgd. the hp ratings from actual engine hp to rear wheel hp, something to do with govt. or insurance regs? Memory is going down the tube these days. I bet actual engine hp is around 200-220? Hope I've got this all right. :confused: :confused:
In 1972, they changed the way they rated the horsepower from gross to net. In the old days, they used to rate the engine with it basically on a dyno, with no accessories. In 1972, they started rating it after everything was installed on it-accessories and all. That is what MOSTLY explains the loss in HP. a 1971 Mav 302 is rated at 210 horses, while in 72, that number drops to 141, with the engines being almost identical. The only other major change is the beginning of smog in 72, compression dropped down half point from I believe 9 to 8.5. I could be a little off on that number, but I know it was half a point. I don't believe they ever rated the hp at the rear wheels though--I know they don't do that with new cars.
when i was in high school, my dad bought a 72 (sorry) nova with a 350. it was rated at 165bhp. i asked my mechanic buddy what bhp was. he said brake horsepower which is taken at the drive wheels, all accesories running. made me feel better cuz i couldn't understand how a 350 that literally flew had 165 horses. no wonder my dad wouldn't let me drive it. he had equipped it to pull a trailer... heavy duty suspension all that handling stuff you may need to tow. that car flew AND handled. i love my mav better.
it is that low mav dude. I see from your post that yours is a 70. remember they changed the rating in 72, so realistically, yours would be rated around 75-80 or so. I still stick by the statement that cars today (72 up) are NOT rated at the rear wheels (or front). I know because my boss has an 02 wrx that is rated factory 227 horsepower. He has done quite a few tweeks, and gained a lot of horsepower. Stock the "at the wheels" hp for him was 185. after a bunch of mods he is now at 225 at the rear wheels.
Your right jeremy on gross to net and that no car manufacture has used rear wheel data. BHP is the type of dyno used to measure horse power, Brake horsepower used a brake to load the engine and calculate torque which is used to calculate horse power. On a rear wheel dyno you can expect to loose 15% for manuals and up to 25% for automatics in drive train loss's I've dynoed two cars at Brother's in corona my 70 mustang with a 351 dynoed 308 hp@ 5500 and Tammy's maverick made 270 hp @6200 with one low cylinder. With the new engine and now I have the jetting sorted out I plan on dynoing hers again soon. I also heard that the gross figures where from ringer engines, meaning everything was set up perfect.
my chiltons manual states 115 for automatic and 122 for manual. net figures with variance due to drivetrain loss.