Ever since I have had my car the dask lights didnt work no biggie till recently I got on a mission to fix them. Well after trying the differnt options they still dont work! All the lights work( alt, blinkers, brakes,oil,etc..) except for the ones that illuminate the whole cluster. so far ive: 1. Replaced some of the burned out bulbs 2.Replaced the fuse and cleaned the contacts 3. Replaced the headlight switch What should I do now?
Look at the constant voltage regulator (it is a little square module on the circuit board of the cluster). Sometimes the corrosion on the connector will break the connection. Also, if you had the cluster, check the main connector and see if any of the wires are pulled out or the contacts on the connector are bent back. Ask me how I know all of this......
I would check for continuity between the cluster plug and the headlight switch. Check that the headlight switch itself is putting out power on that circuit as well. You'll know that you have the right circuit if the voltage rises and drops as you rotate the headlight knob back and forth. If there is no continuity and the switch is putting out power, just run a new wire over to the cluster. The wire probably got fatigued and broke somewhere inside the harness. I had to run a new wire to my heater motor switch a while back because of the same thing.
the contact circuit that sits on the voltage regulator came apart but I taped them together, is that enought or should I contact glue or something of that nature to get a more permanent seal? Could that be the problem?
I had the same problem once, and all other things were good. Here's what I had to do to get my dash lights working. I took a small piece of 400 grit sand paper and lightly cleaned the areas of the circuit board where the main harness plug made contact, where the twist-in light bulb plugs made contact, and the contacts themselves, on the twist-in light bulb plugs. Be careful while doing this as the copper circuit board is fragile. Make sure that you clean with the direction of the copper. You can also bend the wire connections out on the bottoms of the light bulbs slightly and reinstall them allowing the plugs to bend them back in to assure a good connection. Also, apply dielectric grease to all of these connections. Dielectric grease has proven to be my friend, when it comes to these old connections. This procedure worked for me, maybe it will work for you also.
I have a couple things not working in my cluster. I'm gonna have to start reading up on issues with them. I'm sort of debating the white gauge face mod while it's out...not sure yet.
thanks for all the info, I will have to go make sure they lights are getting power and clean everything up!
This thread reminded me to go out tonight and check the dash lights in my project....nothing! None what so ever. The lights in the shift ind. and behind the heater panel are all that work. Dang it!
I know it sounds funny but I used a pickle to clean the circuit board. It is less abrasive than sandpaper. It shined up like a new penny and now all my lamps are working.
yep a pickle would work, basically if you take vinegar and salt mixture you get a mild acid that will clean a penny (or copper) to the base metal removing corrosion and tarnish. chemistry 101 I use skotchbrite myself then a little contact cleaner...
Put a drop or 2 of Texas Pete or Red Rooster hot sauce or a old brown penny and wipe it off with a paper towel.