So I decided to go with a nice rebuilt set of GT40's I found on craigslist for $450. new exhaust valves, trick flow springs, 5 point valve job etc...Unfortunately they do not come with any rocker arms or studs. What should i use as far as rocker arms are concerned? what are my options? i already purchased a set of comp cams roller tipped rocker arms but not sure if these will work (rail type). What is the difference between rail type and non rail type? What type of rockers do the GT40's use? Thanks for any info
yup, you'll have to find a pedistal style roller rockers. there's a couple diff manufactures and diff ratios available. alot of people buy the stock Ford/Crane 1.72 rockers that came on them factory and they work extremely well
Im not 100% sure but i think they only came on the cobra motors, but browse though ebay, or craigslist. also the mustang forums usually have a set or two for sale.
those are not the factory crane ones.... if you google proform rockers you'll see why most ford guys don't run them...
The 1.7 ratio crane rockers were only on the 93 cobra. Definatly makes a nice little bump in top end if you have the intake and exhaust also
93-95 cobra not just the 93 cobra. Always forget about us sn-95 guys. LOL Scorpion rockers have a good reputation to, and are alot less expensive than cranes. They are setup for pedistal mount rockers, you can simply go into auto vone and ask for rockers and bolts for an 87 mustang and that will work. Or you can get 1.6 roller rockers, 1.7 roller rockers, 1.72 roler rockers. All pedistal mount. Crane also sells a pedistal to stud conversion and guid plates to use 3/8 stud mount roller rockers. Do some research on this and decide if this is what you want. Some dissagree wiith the design and flexing, and even crane suggests not over revving on this setup. You can take them back to the machine shop and have them stud it for 3/8 or even 7/16 studs if you want. many routes you can go... If doing stud mount roller rocker conversion mostly you want to include the extra expense of guide plates and hardened pushrods keep in mind. in a nutshell least expensive way to do it, go to autozone and get new rockers and mounts. FYI this is the way the edelbrock e street heads are designed to except the stock pedistal mount rockers. Most expensive best for performance, take them to machine shop have them drilled for 7/16 studs, run 7/16 stud mount rocker (1.6 or 1.7 depending on your cam)
definately alot of information to digest there, will definately look into them... Thanks for all the information.. by the way what is the ratio of stock rockers?