Ran across these pics from the vegas race this weekend, lookin' great! How did it run? http://i.pbase.com/o2/77/273377/1/121528770.vmwauapx.258.jpg http://www.pbase.com/fuelcarfan/10vegastestpscahooverdam&page=all
Wow, I really like these pictures. Thanks for posting them. It didn't go very good. I am having trouble with the car stalling and bogging, but I'm pretty sure we finally found the problem (blow thru carb issues). My best time for the weekend was 11.09 at 145 mph or something like that, after stalling, spinning, and getting out of it two times. I'm hoping to fix the problem this weekend, test soon after that, and be ready for the next race in March at Fontana.
Need headers like those! You definately have a great looking car! I came across this thread while searching for custom header builders for Aje equipped Mavericks. Could you state the name of the shop that built your headers, we are in need of just such a set for a Maverick we're building. Thanks
I did post a short video of my 8.71 161mph run, but I haven't had hardly any good passes to video. I really want to get one from in the car. I'm still planning on getting some good video to post in the future. Thanks for asking. What's the status of yours? You get any good runs, pics, video?
Hi erick tuff mav! Any progress? Just wondering what cubes you're running and what you've got? Also what fuel are you running. Just about to buy a f1r for my mav. Glenn