I was in Wal Mart, Saturday afternoon. So I figured I'd have a look at the Hot Wheels..Right out front there was a blue Grabber, as I was walking up, some little boy grabs it and says "Daddy, look a this Camaro!", but my 12 year old daughter, told him (in a polite voice) "That's a Maverick, not a Camaro" Made me proud.
...She should have said..."Hey little boy, he's not your Daddy...he's MY Daddy!!" ...being it was Fathers Day weekend...
I have 8 already, I don't need anymore. Leave it for some kid, maybe he'll grow to love American cars, and grow up to be a man. I know when I was young, some of my Hot Wheels really shaped my thinking about cars.
Now some poor kid is going to be walking around thinking they have a toy Camaro when it is really a Maverick. They are going to think a Camaro is a good looking car. You should have bought it to save them the embarrassment.