Just got the Comet home from my welding buddy. He was repairing my floor pans and battery tray. The car drove great all the way home. I get home, turn off the car and heard a sound like water running under the car. I look and transmission fluid is pouring out from behind the trans. pan. It appears to have happened all at once like something let go. Any ideas as to what happened? Rear seal?
I have heard of this before. Some kind of anti drain back valve in the torque converter must have went, converter drains once engine is off, and excess fluid comes out tailshaft, vent or speedo cable hole. You might need a trans shop on this one
You will have to look to see where the oil is coming from. The general term "from behind the trans" can mean a lot of things... Pan gasket, modulator fell out, rear seal, rear cooler line, vent leaking..... narrow it down a bit.
sounds like he may have pulled the driveshaft off to do the floor? Rear seal probably popped out a bit?