Besides political stuff, here is how some ignorant writer refers to m our cars guys. Wonder if his is just second-hand info he used to make his point..... "I may be significant of nothing, but does anyone remember the original Ford Maverick, a slightly-gussied-up version of the Falcon, a tired earlier model? I do, for reasons not related to any virtues which might later have been associated with it, sentimentally or otherwise. Let it suffice to say, the Maverick was not a "memorable" car in any sense which could be related to worthiness. Like the current Republican slate, just lipstick and paint on cheap plastic and rusting tin."
Sound like my old literacy teacher! he said the same thing about these cars, but he drove an Audi so i didn't even pay attention to him
I really couldnt care less what he thinks or writes. Hes likely far from a car guy and has to call a plumber when he faucet drips. One of those guys that doesnt have the ability to turn a screwdriver without hurting himself or his project. I think he should stick with his political writing. Perhaps he is a politician. That would explain his complication of the simple to seem more intelligent.
From what I've heard in person, and read online, other than here, there's not a whole lot of people who give the Mav/Comet high praise. They were the Hondas of their time. However, now they're growing in popularity, the younger kids don't know it's not a "real" muscle car, and the older folks get that mighty wave of nostalgia looking at them, makes them feel young for a second Personally, I can't think of another car with nicer curves or lines than a mav/comet. but I might be saying that because my entire family owned one at one point ( I just learned even my grandma had a Mav with a 351w!)
Alot of people think they suck. Get used to it. Or be like me and not care what other people think. Driving them since 1974.
he is giving opinion on something he knows nothing about! im sure if he would have had the chance to plant his a$$ in one and drive it,feel it in the curves, and see how it can pass a gas station with out all the modern gismo's he just might have a different opinion. bet he dont know jack about political aspects either. I DONT GIVE A RATS WHAT HE THINKS!
i left him the following comment. i dont think he'll approve. lol "You idiot. the term maverick associated with mcain or palin has nothing to do with the car. it is the mere meaning of the word. im sorry you and your frat-tastic boyfriends cant get your khaki's dirty and appreciate a real car and all the work it takes to make something nice and appreciate when daddy dont buy it. you have highky offended a great deal of people. thank you for that. maybe ill run up on you one day and make you tremble with fear when hear 450 horses of mean pure maverick"