hey im new to this forum. already have found out loads of stuff on my maverick and what i need to do. what i want to know is if any of you guys have done boot legger turns with your mavericks. i am thinking about trying and was looking for some advice. for those that dont know what a bootlegger turn is - it is making a U turn at speed. seems like fun to me but im not sure how controlable it is.
Don't roll your car Nick. '73s are hard to come by. These cars are really light in the rear and can get away from you pretty quick. Get a different car to learn how to do that stuff in (one with a roll cage preferably) and find a big gravel parking lot to do it in.
If your gonna learn how to do it, learn on dirt. Asphalt is fun, but not so much fun when your car is upside down.
i did some pretty boss sliding turns in a gravel parking lot, only to find out later that the "warehouse" that belonged to the lot was really the hanger for the police helicopter. boy was MY face red. make sure you know who's lot you're practicing in!:bananaman
iver done some mad stuff and i agree with the guys above learn in a pos pluss weigh donw the back and possibly tighten you e brake (use and its alot easier) but with weight in the rear end you might be able to do it any way
thats a pretty good idea. but being that i torched my ebrake cables off to make room for my tires, i will just back the front shoes off. i like the idea of weighing down the back though. this sounds like it would just be alot easier with a VW. ive been thinking of getting one for a school project and turning it into a fornt engine v8 drag car. but if it drives maby ill try some boot legger turns in it.