anybody ever tried a tall deck dart 302 block in a maverick? just wondering about fitment issues. thanks
im getting ready to start building a motor for my maverick and i have been considering doing a 363ci motor out of that block. any ideas are welcome.
I'm watching this since bryant and I are considering a dart block for our next engine build. don't know if we are going with a 302 or 351 though.
good luck that is the block i plan to use on my engine swap but i want to do everything else first to my mav since it had an engine swap 16000miles ago when i bought the car. Dart makes a good top end kit for it
the cam will be a custom from LSM camshafts. Im not 100% sure what heads i wana run yet. i have been looking at a couple different ones, RHS Pro Action Aluminum 200 and 215cc heads, and some from afr and trickflow. i will talk to my engine builder and LSM cams to see what they recomend. as far as hp im not real sure what to expect since its gana be a street/strip motor with around 10.5 to 1