So a few days ago I completly rebuilt my front suspension minus the springs (new upper and lower control arms, ball joints, strut rod bushings, and shocks). I also replaced all the steering components a while back but probably only have 20 miles on the parts. Well anyway drove it to work today and did an alinment. When driving it home it drove nice and strait while taking it easy, but I got on it hard and the car started wandering all over the road. Would tired old leaf springs cause this? Or did i screw up on my alinment. I am going to change my leaf springs soon anyway because i found a crack in the end of the bottom leaf.
alignment What was the toe in set at? Either way, bad springs frt or rear can certianly affect handling.
sounds like your on the right track with the rear springs. also check that the ubolts that hold the diff to the springs are tight. make sure the spring bushings are all there and not rotted out. did you do your own alignment? if so what specs did you set it to?
I wanted to set it at 1/8 in. toe in but the computor at work goes by degree which I think it said was 0.38* which was the stock setting for a maverick. I set the caster at +1.75* and I think camber was set to -.5*. I was in a hurry to get it done tonight so I will probably redo it on the weekend
Yeah my steering is loose when the wheel is strait, is there an adjustment to take out the slack like on chevys?
There is a preload set screw but don't over-tighten it or it will restrict your ability to turn the wheel and can break the steering gear.
Whenever adjusting the sector preload you must also adjust the worm bearing or you can mess up the gearbox.