13 hrs. 45 mins. and my Sweetie is home... Thanks for the well wishes...:Handshake She is feeling a little better...she was able to sit up some and talk to me about the last 200 miles... We will see ya'll next year...:Handshake we hate we missed the..new Guys...maybe next time... Frank and Effie
update: I took Effie to the E.R. this morning. they gave her 2 bags of juice and 3 prescriptions. She is up and eating again... Her vacation is up Tuesday, maybe she will have time to straighten out my C4 by then... thanks everyone...:Handshake Frank and Effie
What a lousy way to spend the last few days of a vacation. Tell Effie I won't post anything 'bout NASCAR on my Facebook page until she's feeling better.
Maybe being exposed to those 14 transmission debacles is what got Effie sick in the first place Glad to hear she is feeling better
Glad to hear the wife is feeling better. I did make the my first RoundUp. Met a lot of the folks who frequent here and enjoyed the event. I did'nt take the Comet cuz I won't have the AC going until nx year and it was just to hot to punish myself for the 600 mi. rountrip drive. Sorry we missed u but health and well-being trumps everything else. Maybe nx year.