So I went out and bought a new tablet today ( Digital pen for your computer for those who might not know) and did some quick photochop/chopping on my car. Raised the rear with bigger tires, dropped the front and put up 3 color choices. Now I'm torn between the three.
Agreed. I like that bottom one. I think you'll find it a bit low though for city driving. My headers run pretty close, I'm sure you'd have issues that low.
Mine is sitting like that right now, but it's completely down on the snubbers. You could never drive it that way with the stock front suspension. Now if you put a Mustang II or struts under it, that's a different story.
Yeah the blue is starting to really grow on me. The front end is sort of me exaggerating haha, with the potholes in Calgary I'd never be able to make it to the end of the street with a front end like that.