Can anyone tell me what the torque spec on the axle nut (for front) is on a 74 comet? Also, I know you have to back it off a quarter turn and torque it to another spec... thanks in advance. Micheal
On the brake rotor/wheel bearings I assume? Checked Alldata on a 82 granada(only goes back to 82) and it didn't list the spec. At the shop I usually go with, tighten past 25 ft/lbs, loosen, tighten to 25 ft/lbs. If I don't have the spec.
thanks for the info... yeah... it's a 4 wheel drum. Also, the wheel they get loaded with grease as well or just the shaft? I ask because i took it all apart, put it back together and now it isn't driving very well at all... didn't know if the pads were completely catching or if it was the bearings.
Clean the shaft(no grease) pack the bearings. I read an article about wheel bearings a while back about too much grease can cause bearing failure. Their logic was sound. Make sure to clean and inspect the bearings and races before packing. Any nicks, scratches or gouges and you should replace both bearings and both races(get a new seal too). Bearings and races are cheap and, the whole weight of the front end is on them. I always replace them when I remove them. Just safer that way.
Alway use the best bearing you can buy NOT that imported crap. There is no sence of buying them twice . Jay